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Best Pitch To Sell Life Insurance

Making successful life insurance sales depends on not only having the potential prospect or right plans, but also knowing the right words to say to captivate the prospect’s attention and build trust.

Here’s the best pitch to sell life insurance to a prospect.

Cold Calling Scripts

Let’s look at the sell life insurance over the phone page. When making a cold call, your aim is to cajole the prospect with your offer. So, your first three statements determine the outcome of the final deal. During the start, you should be able to establish the reason for the call in a friendly style with the prospect by making them know who’s calling and why you called them and help them understand why they should take up your offer. Also, another point you should consider in cold calling is your tone and manner of discussion (how you organize your point). Once a sales agent adheres to these guidelines, this pitch is exactly right.


  • If you know the prospect’s name, you can say…” Hi Mr. or Mrs. (name), my name is…. calling from (company name). I’d like to know if it is a great time to have a discussion with you”.
  • If you do not know the prospect’s name, you can say…” Hello, my name is…. calling from (full company name), located in (the state). I’d like to know if it is a great time to have a discussion with you”. At this point, try to sense the gender you’re talking to based on the prospect’s voice. And if you’re not certain, remain calm after getting a response. Then curiously ask, may I know your name?
  • Once the prospect has responded, you say…,” Thank you”… Then you can say, “Mr. or Mrs. (name), I’d like to know if you are currently on any insurance plan”. When the prospect responds, you say…” I would love to introduce you to (company’s name) life insurance plan.”


In any good salesperson, there is a wealth of product knowledge. When training for objections and rebuttals, you aren’t looking to argue with your prospects, or force an opinion on them. However, you do want (and typically need..) to educate your prospects. Take a look at our Life Insurance Objections And Rebuttals page to see some strong examples from our experts to get an idea on where to start, and how to approach this subject. When cold calling, you may want to use a few solid rebuttals on why they should take your call (if they have the time!). If they say they are “Not interested in life insurance at this time.”, you could ask a question before parting ways.
“I understand. If I could help you learn a bit more about life insurance and send some follow-up material, do you have just a few minutes to go over what we have?”

When you start with an introduction, you may likely get an objection. However, when a prospect objects to your offer, simply do not argue or disagree with their choice at that moment. Your goal is to ensure you get to deliver your message by discussing with them the company’s life insurance plans and how they and their loved ones can benefit from it. To see various strong life insurance objections and rebuttal examples and an expert’s guidelines on how to address them, kindly check out our life insurance objections and rebuttal page.

However, in exceptional cases, the prospect statement of objection is “Not interested in the life insurance plan.” First of all, avoid asking why? Instead, you can preferably ask a question. You say, “Mr or Mrs (name), thank you for your response.”…”However, What if I can share with you some resources and material to help you learn a little bit about life insurance, would you go through it?” With this response, the prospect fully understands that you’re willing to enlighten them about life insurance and why they should have a second thought about it.

Voicemail Message

When sending voicemail messages, it is best to keep it short with a catchy intro. If possible, not more than a minute. We have noticed that many prospects do not have the time to listen to a prolonged voicemail, especially when it comes to insurance offers. So, how can you approach a potential prospect using a voicemail message?

Here is a successful voicemail message;
You say…” Hello, I am (name), a representative of (company name).”…” I am calling you because I have an affordable life insurance plan that you can secure for yourself and your loved ones at this moment.”…” Our plans will help (a strong benefit)”…” If this sounds great! Do not hesitate to give me a callback at your convenient time” Thanks for listening, and Have a wonderful day ahead.”

Hint: Always keep it short, including when stating a strong benefit.

Appointment Setting Scripts

Arranging a physical appointment with a prospect to share more details on the company’s life insurance concepts and plans can lead to winning sales. Therefore, when asking for an appointment setting, you need to focus on opening the mindset of the prospect to see why they should consider and approve your request.

After you have introduced yourself, the reason for talking to them, and how the company’s life insurance can benefit them and their loved ones., next is to invite the prospect and make them willing and eager to hear more about the company’s life insurance plans. You can check the sell life insurance over the phone page for an expert approach to introducing yourself and getting your client to listen to the plans).

· You say…” Mr or Mrs (name), I’d love to connect with you to share more ideas and concepts on how (company name) life insurance plans can benefit you and your family. If nothing more, grant me the opportunity to meet you.”

Once the prospect responds, you add this saying, “ Thank you so much for this opportunity….I’d like to know when and where you would like to fix the appointment?”
(This works if the company permits the sales agent to have an appointment with a prospect outside the office environment)

If the company strictly only approve the in-office appointment. Then you say, “ Thank you so much for this opportunity…I’d like to know when it will be convenient to fix an appointment?” Once the prospect responds, you say..” Okay, thank you once again…I will send you details of the company’s address and other necessary details to assist you.”

Immediately after the prospect responds, you should appreciate the opportunity granted before closing the conversation. This makes the prospect feel positive and comfortable. Always maintain a moderate and friendly tone when requesting an appointment to meet physically.

Tips for Over the Phone

There are many tips to guide sales agents when offering life insurance plans over the phone. Each of these tips does not only focus on making you a great communicator, but also leading you to win sales if carefully adhered to. Some of these include, but are not limited to;
· Value the prospect time
· Avoid grammatical blunders and jargon.
· Keep your point brief
· Avoid irrelevant questions
· Maintain a friendly and moderate tone
· Do not argue with the prospect (customers are always right)
· Ensure you provide straight-to-the-point answers
· Make your conversation to be in a friendly and semi-professional manner
· Ensure no background noise
· Always sound curious and expectational when asking a question to get a response.
· Always give the prospect space to express themselves while discussing
· Do not force your opinion on them,
· Avoid prolonged sentences and questions.
· Listen attentively to every response the prospect provides.
· Do not skip key important details
· Focus on building a good rapport with the prospect
· Let your words reflect the truth.
· Be prepared before making a call
· Have a script to guide you.
· Always ensure the prospect is satisfied and clarified with every information
· Have a backup closing statement.