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198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
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Life Insurance Objections And Rebuttals

Typical Objections

“I will think about it and get back to you soon!”

This form of objection mostly occurs when discussing insurance with prospects, and they do not have prior understanding and depth knowledge about insurance or just looking for a means to end further discussion required as soon as possible, either via call or physically. Sometimes prospects give such an objection due to no interest in your offer.

So, what do you need to say?

First of all, such a response may sound challenging, but look over it as an excuse and imagine they need more elaborate information regarding life insurance briefly.

However, here’s the trick, try to eliminate any upcoming resistance!

The rebuttal-whenever a prospect says, “I will think about it and get back to you soon!”. It is best to provide your prospect with a better and more precise understanding of life insurance. You can respond by saying, “Mr. or Mrs. (name), please, does anything seem unclear to you?” (Aim to sound curious when asking this because this makes them feel calm and develop an interest in responding genuinely)

Whichever reply your prospect gives you, if yes, recapitulate and provide more insight. But if not. Still, let your prospect know why it is important and how this can benefit them. (Kindly ensure your tone sounds very friendly, calm, and comfortable throughout the discussion and response process)

Closing Process

Always remember a brief, concise, and straight conversation works best. Once you’ve clarified or made your prospect understand more about life insurance, you say…“ Please, is there anything you would like to ask for further clarification?”

At this point, you are giving your prospect the chance to open up and communicate better with you.

After your prospect answers, you reply with,“ Okay, beyond this, is there any other reason that may hinder you from trying out any of our life insurance plans today…?

With this, you have simply eliminated the resistance and enlightened your prospect.

Now, immediately your prospect answers, in a reassuring manner, you ask…” what type of plan would you like to secure or register for today…?

If the prospect gives a positive response that leads to immediate sales, great!
But in a scenario, you end up having a no-sales at that moment. Always sound expectational and positive towards getting feedback from them later.

Physically: You say… “Can I check back on you in a few days’ time from now?”.
Via call: You say… “Can we schedule a physical appointment at your convenient time during the week?” If not, maybe due to an excuse, you can say… “Can I call you back in a few days?”

If the prospect gives approval to your request, you can always send an email or text providing them with details about the life insurance plans available with their cost (Avoiding stuffing your prospect with excessive emails or texts) before giving them a call or meeting up with them again.

It is advisable to give the prospect at least 72 hours or 3 days before reaching out to them regarding their decision.

Training Scenarios

Winning a prospect mostly depends on your conversational tone and the information provided during the discussion process.

Staff members can try out a prospect-to-agent conversation style while others make suggestions on why they think such a conversation sample may not be the best.

Have a session to re-educate staff about life insurance and the plans the company offers.

If calls are recorded, previous ones from a staff with the highest, middle and lowest sales for each month can be played for other staff members to listen and discuss why this works and not the other ones. As well as point out errors that may have led to no sales.

Finally, motivational and inspirational talks can help most staff. For instance, within the week, such as Tuesdays, can be set aside for a short discussion and words of encouragement to boost everyone's morale and mindset.