Contact Info
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000

Phone Skills Coaching

We believe that all organizations should have a phone etiquette professional development program. Our Phone Skills Coaching program consists of the following:

  • Documenting the top areas of your sales process – introduction, qualifying, product knowledge, follow-up, closing.
  • Monitoring your agents’ calls and then scoring their performance based on your company’s requirements.
  • New script development and existing script review
  • Monitoring your agents’ call scores and providing appropriate training to boost grade improvements’ week over week.

What is the Scorecard?

We work with your management team to develop a scorecard for your organization. The Scorecard will be reflective of how a successful conversation is conducted within your company. The scorecard contains Yes or No questions and may include questions like:

  1. Did the agent thank the person for calling?
  2. Did the agent use proper tone and voice inflections?
  3. Did the agent ask for an email address?

We’re happy to include as many questions necessary to ensure all key performance topics are monitored. Over time, you may choose to edit your requirements, as many of our clients have determined alternative routes to success throughout the process.

Next Step After the Scorecard is Set Up

The Scorecard is used to grade your representative’s calls, week over week. We provide the score along with notes to your agents. Once a month, your agents will meet to receive an One-on-One Coaching session to discuss their performance and areas for improvement.



Goals of the Program

Ultimately, the goal of this program is to cultivate and maintain better conversations. Every week, our expert team will assess your sales agents’ phone calls and provide a comprehensive scorecard of their performance. Accruing week-over-week scores will highlight specific trends and opportunities for improvement.

Our coaches are devoted to your agents’ development. Our customizable Scorecards and One-on-One Coaching provides a non-biased space for your agents to reflect on their interactions and improve future performances.


Start Closing More Deals

We’re here to talk to about your business. Let’s talk about where you want to see improvements and how we can help.

    Meet Our Experts

    Glenn Merritt

    Managing Partner

    Thanks to the help from some truly great people, I have over 45 years of success in business, including 25 years with our flagship entity First Alliance Logistics Management, a national pallet management company and its two safety compliance subsidiaries.

    I would describe myself as one of those who thinks out of the box to generate solutions.

    Helping salespeople improve is what inspired me to create USaidIt2